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Work At Home Job  vs  Work At Home Business

These days so many people are looking to find work at home.  Some want to be home with their kids and some want to just quit that 9-5 schedule.  Before you begin your search for work at home you have to make one big decision:  Do you want a job or a business? 

A work at home job is one where you are working for someone else.  Many people like a job because it’s a lot less to worry about.  You get hired by an employer, but you do your work at home. 

A work at home business (like an mlm company) is when you work for yourself and you run the show, but you don't develop or sell your own products.  Many people like this because they can call the shots, run the business how they want, work when they want and don't have to worry about creating and selling their own items. 

Also consider selling products of your own.  If you are a crafty person, consider selling your own products online.  Etsy is a perfect place to market your products and with the help of social marketing these days, it's much easier to get your products noticed.

Have you made up your mind?
Here are some more things you need to consider:   

Can you be focused to run a business at home?
Is there a product you’re passionate about that you can sell to others?
Do you like sales?
Online, offline or both?
If you answered yes to these, than a home business may be for you!

Can you set aside specific work times?
Do you have a skill set that employers are looking for?
Do you have an office space as well as certain requirements (phone line, quiet space, high speed internet, etc)?
If you answered yes to these, than a home based job may be for you!

These are just some things you need to consider before you reach for the first thing that sounds appealing.  Write down the pros and cons before making any decisions.  Take your time and do your research before you jump into anything!

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