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activitiesKIDS KORNER Make a mosaic of colored stones or small pebbles. Mix together 3/4 cup water, 1 1/2 cups flour, 1 1/2 cups salt, 1 Tbs of vegetable oil and food coloring. Roll it out to desired thickness then cut into circles with the top of a glass. Add the stones or pebbles then bake in the oven at 250* for 20 minutes. Let cool. Have kids make a mini scrapbook or just a page and frame it. Let them choose a special event (birthday, Christmas, vacation etc), give them photos of that event and let them have fun with ribbons, stickers, markers etc. Have a fire and roast marshmallows! Make a scavenger hunt in their sandbox. Make colorful snowmen and snow forts! Take a spray bottle of water and add a few drops of food coloring to the bottle. Then you can spray the snowballs or bricks different colors. Try spraying the bottom of their boots too, to see colorful footprints in the snow. Make a snow globe. This is a favorite in our house. Even if it's not winter time, you can still make this great toy! All you need is a jar, plastic figurine, white glitter and distilled water. Glue your figurine to the inside of the cover of the jar. Let it dry for a few hours then fill the jar with the water and glitter and screw the cap on tight. Make outdoor winter ornaments. Pour water into baking molds and add leaves, flowers or food coloring. Put in the freezer or outside and when the water is getting slushy, poke a straw in for a hole. Once it's completely frozen, take out of the mold and add a string to hang it! Make your own tic tac toe game. Take some construction paper or some felt to make the board then use an old egg carton to make your own characters to play with. Go fly a kite. You can even make your own if you have the time. Make your kids their own body paint! They'll love this and so will you. Mix together some food coloring and some shortening. Kool-aid and yogurt make great finger paint. Great for the little ones incase they get some in their mouth. Use a slinky to hold their cd's together. Slinky's come in all sorts of colors. You can use kool-aid to tie-dye t-shirts. Put a few rubberbands around some sections on a t-shirt and let it sit in the kool-aid for a little bit. (we all know how good kool-aid can stain!) Paint stones! Make silly faces, write names, etc What girl doesn't love a new purse? A purse is easy to make with an old pair of pants or shorts. Just cut about 1" below the crotch, turn them inside out and sew them up! Turn them back out and loop a cotton belt through the belt loops! Let the kids make some chapstick of their own in their favorite flavor. All you need is some crisco and some jello. Mix about 1-2 T of crisco to 1 tsp of your favorite jello flavor. Heat them up in the microwave then let them harden in a little container. Make your own playdough, it's a whole lot cheaper! Make an easy pillow: Cut 2 squares of felt and a design or shape out of felt in a contrasting color. Stitch the two like colors together over top some batting or a pillow form. Then stitch on your design. Another great idea is to take a photo of each child and print it out on transfer paper. Then you can iron the photo to the pillow. Paint rocks to look like fish. This is a great "pet" for the kids who don't have pets. Add feathers to the back for a "tail" and then give them googly eyes! indoor activities for kids
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